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What does it mean to have a sense of self? A theme that comes up a lot in my coaching work is creating a sense of self, which in less jargon-y language means developing your […]
Do you feel like you’re sometimes battling against parts of your personality? Maybe you have some people-pleasing tendencies that you know don’t serve you, or you hate how emotional you get when you need to […]
Being unable to feel into yourself and your body cuts you off from many things. It makes pleasure difficult to really feel, with sexual pleasure often reduced to a very narrow experience that relies primarily […]
Different parts of our brains are responsible for the four responses we often default to when in a situation we perceive as threatening: people-pleasing (hyper-socialisation), fight, flight, and freeze. Because these responses don’t distinguish between […]
Setting an intention is a simple practice, for me mainly associated with a meditation or yoga session. It’s a conscious decision to gently direct my energy towards something specific, without holding too tightly onto reaching […]